Control your yard from lot to dock
Take control of your yard! From the gate to the lot to the dock, AuTowed offers maximum vision of the gate, lot, and docks so you know where each asset is at all times.
AuTowed Overview
Like yours, many companies within the logistics industry face significant challenges with yard management system data gaps and the struggle to recruit and retain quality drivers for warehouse and distribution yards.
AuTowed offers a cutting-edge solution designed to address these pain points by automating data collection and asset movement from lot to dock.
Unlike traditional yard management systems that rely on time-consuming data entry and require costly, highly experienced drivers, AuTowed serves as a reliable "trailer valet" streamlining trailer navigation and significantly enhancing operational efficiency
Maximum Vision + Operator Automation = Smooth Moves.
Yard managers can rest easy with AuTowed, a logistics solution that combines extraordinary vision software with automated hardware, helping operators make smooth, seamless moves.
Our target customer is the Warehouse/Distribution Center Manager. This person has to manage the trucks and trailers entering and exiting the yard, the movement of the trailers from the lot to the warehouse/DC docks (which trailers go where and when), the spotter trucks (& operators) that move them, how they navigate the yard, along with the service and maintenance of the spotter trucks.
There are Yard Management Systems (YMS) that track service and maintenance, and even technology to help the spotter truck operators to choose a job (move a trailer). But knowing for sure which trailer is in which parking spot is a challenge.
The other problem is operator safety and experience. There are a number of accidents, causing damage to the dock, to the trailers, the goods they contain, and sometimes even the driver or people in the yard. It is tough for the managers to hire and hang onto experienced operators.These are the things that make managers lose sleep.

Automated Yard Management: The Total Package
AuTowed’s solution is the total package. We are developing technology that allows the yard manager to have an overview of the entire yard and the ability to know what trailer is parked where and when it should be at the dock, etc. There is an option for yard managers to track trailers (assets) but they generally enter this data manually. We are automating the collection of data and pairing the technology with hardware on the truck that functions like an operator co-pilot. We’re applying optimal path selection, object detection, and steering assist so that inexperienced drivers have an added measure of safety and experienced drivers are more efficient.

The more you know, the smoother you move.
Automated asset tracking saves time and energy with data entry that causes congestion at the gate. It also allows for the manager to know exactly where the trailer is located, what it contains, and when it needs to head to the dock. Knowledge is time, money, and power.
The operator assist allows the spotter to choose a job, quickly locate the asset, and safely maneuver it to the dock. Optimal path is safe and saves time. Object detection prevents accidents and saves lives. Steering assist allows for efficient moves that avoid costly mistakes. It also allows managers to hire less experienced, less expensive drivers. The steering assist also makes the drivers more comfortable, less stressed and more likely to remain at their job.
AuTowed adds several levels of safety and safety is money saved. AuTowed saves time and time is money made.